Top "Antlr4" questions

Version 4 of ANother Tool for Language Recognition (ANTLR), a flexible lexer/parser generator.

ANTLR Tool version 4.5.3 used for code generation does not match the current runtime version 4.7.1

I'm getting an error in for one specific data binding which results in the following error when building …

android android-studio kotlin data-binding antlr4
How to configure antlr4 plugin for Intellij IDEA

I looked all over the place for how to configure the antlr4 plugin for IntelliJ IDEA. But I can't find …

intellij-idea antlr antlr4 intellij-plugin
ANTLR 4.5 - Mismatched Input 'x' expecting 'x'

I have been starting to use ANTLR and have noticed that it is pretty fickle with its lexer rules. An …

antlr antlr4
ANTLR 4 and AST visitors

I'm trying to use ASTs with ANTLR4, with this files: import org.antlr.v4.runtime.ANTLRInputStream; import org.…

java antlr visitor abstract-syntax-tree antlr4
ANTLR4: Whitespace handling

I have seen many ANTLR grammars that use whitespace handling like this: WS: [ \n\t\r]+ -> skip; // or …

parsing antlr whitespace parser-generator antlr4
how to use antlr4 visitor

I am a beginner of antlr. I was trying to use visitor in my code and following the instruction on …

java parsing antlr4 visitor
Antlr4 Listeners and Visitors - which to implement?

I'm reading "The Definitive Antlr 4 Reference" and get the idea in relation to how Listeners and Visitors work. The book …

Get rid of token recognition error

How can I get rid of the default ANTLR recognition error? I want to write another message using my own …

ANTLR 4 $channel = HIDDEN and options

I need help with my ANTLR 4 grammar after deciding to switch to v4 from v3. I am not very experienced …

java migration antlr antlr4
Trouble Setting Up ANTLR 4 IDE on Eclipse Luna (4.4)

I'm trying to install the ANTLR 4 IDE on Eclipse Luna (4.4). I've installed it from the Marketplace but I have no …

java eclipse antlr antlr4