Top "Ansible" questions

Red Hat Ansible is a model-driven, configuration management, multi-node deployment/orchestration and remote task execution system.

Ansible: How to encrypt some variables in an inventory file in a separate vault file?

The settings Consider an Ansible inventory file similar to the following example: [san_diego] host1 host2 [san_francisco] host3 host4 […

encryption ansible ansible-playbook ansible-vault
How to decrypt string with ansible-vault 2.3.0

I have been waiting for ansible 2.3 as it was going to introduce encrypt_string feature. Unfortuately I'm not sure how …

ansible ansible-vault
How to copy files with ansible relatively to the role?

I have a copy task inside a role and I was expecting that the src location would be relative to …

ansible ansible-playbook
Ansible: How can I update the system CentOS with Ansible

I am trying to update the CentOS systems with ansible. Unfortunately I am not able to do that. I already …

centos ansible yum
Difference between become and become_user in Ansible

Recently I started digging into Ansible and writing my own playbooks. However, I have a troubles with understanding difference between …

ansible ansible-playbook ansible-2.x
Running Python script via ansible

I'm trying to run a python script from an ansible script. I would think this would be an easy thing …

ansible ansible-2.x
Ansible Command module says that '|' is illegal character

I am using Ansible to deploy my project and I trying to check if an specified package is installed, but …

shell ansible dpkg ansible-playbook
Check if arrays are defined and not empty in ansible

I have the following code - set_fact: MY_HOSTNAME: "SOME VALUE" MY_SERVER: "" - name: Get MY server set_…

ansible ansible-facts
How to disable gathering facts for subplays not included within given tag

Several of my playbooks have sub-plays structure like this: - hosts: sites user: root tags: - configuration tasks: (...) - hosts: …

ansible ansible-playbook ansible-2.x
How to automatically install Ansible Galaxy roles?

All my Ansible playbooks/roles are checked in to my git repo. However, for Ansible Galaxy roles I always have …

ansible ansible-playbook ansible-galaxy