Top "Ansible-2.x" questions

Ansible is a radically simple IT automation platform that makes your applications and systems easier to deploy.

How to fix 'ansible.utils.unsafe_proxy.AnsibleUnsafeText object' has no attribute 'value' error

I have defined the nginx_upstreams variable in a different role that in turn uses the geerlingguy.nginx role and …

ansible ansible-2.x ansible-inventory ansible-template
password not being accepted for sudo user with ansible

I am running an ansible playbook as a sudo user (forcing the sudo password) - however, I am getting a …

ansible ansible-playbook ansible-2.x
Ansible stops connecting to the host via ssh

Introduction For over a month I've been running the following command: ansible-playbook -vvvvi host_test rhel-tests.yml Which connected via …

ssh ansible ansible-2.x ansible-inventory
missing host information when running ansible playbook

I have an ansbile.cfg file as well as a host file in a directory. In the same directory, I …

ansible ansible-playbook ansible-2.x
How to use omit with Ansible and avoid any errors?

I tried to use omit with an expression like this: id: "{{ | default(omit) }}" But it seems that …

ansible jinja2 ansible-2.x
How to extract the exact output from stdout.lines in ansible

My Ansible Playbook: #Tag --> B.6 --> - name: Change the Security Realm to CustomRealm from ManagementRealm command: /…

ansible ansible-2.x ansible-facts ansible-template
Ansible: removing hosts

I know that one can add host with the following task: - name: Add new instance to host group add_…

ansible ansible-playbook ansible-2.x
Ansible multiple includes "in block"

I have a playbook with includes: - include: include1.yml when: doinclude | default('true') - include: include2.yml when: doinclude | …

ansible ansible-playbook ansible-2.x
{{ ansible_hostname }} not working while calling directly with Ansible 2.3

Has anyone faced the following issue with "{{ ansible_hostname }}" while calling in a playbook task directly? Please suggest if there …

ansible ansible-2.x ansible-facts
Ansible lineinfile - modify a line

I'm new to Ansible and trying to modify a line in /etc/default/grub to enable auditing. I need to …

ansible ansible-playbook ansible-2.x