Top "Ansible-2.x" questions

Ansible is a radically simple IT automation platform that makes your applications and systems easier to deploy.

How to use Ansible 2.0 Python API to run a Playbook?

I'm trying to write a python script which will call existing Ansible playbooks as it goes (because I want to …

python api ansible ansible-playbook ansible-2.x
Is it possible to have Ansible retry on connection failure?

I am facing this annoying bug: Ansible hosts are randomly unreachable #18188 . Is there a way to tell Ansible that if …

ansible ansible-2.x
Ansible - pip not found

I am getting this error: TASK [pip] ********************************************************************* failed: [default] (item=urllib3) => {"changed": false, "item": "urllib3", "msg": "Unable to find …

ansible ansible-2.x
Ansible: ansible_domain or facter_domain - How to get domain value of a hostname mentioned in inventory file

Ansible 1.9.2 / 1.9.4 CentOS 6.7 In my invetory file, I have: [zabbix_server] [some_other_zabbix_server]…

ansible ansible-playbook ansible-2.x domain-name ansible-facts
ansible output printing unwanted things. how to format and display only specific data's

I am using ansible 2.4 in centos, trying to run the below script in remote servers and getting the output. Here …

ansible ansible-2.x ansible-inventory ansible-facts ansible-template
ERROR! this task 'apt_repository' has extra params

For the first time I am trying to use Ansible . When I tried to run a playbook I got this …

ansible ansible-playbook ansible-2.x
How to add user and group without a password using Ansible?

I need to add group and user without password (nologin user) using Ansible script. I execute the following command: $ansible-playbook …

ansible-playbook ansible-2.x
In Ansible, how do I iterate over a list of key/value pairs?

Say I have a defaults/main.yml file that has --- my_vars: - var1: value1 - var2: value2 How …

ansible ansible-2.x
Prevent duplicate key warnings in Ansible 2

I use a lot of YAML anchors and references in my roles to keep the logic in a single spot …

ansible ansible-playbook ansible-2.x
undefined variable in ansible

Below is the my ansible tasks which will fetch domain name and which will register the output to item value …

ansible ansible-2.x ansible-inventory ansible-facts