Top "Ansible-2.x" questions

Ansible is a radically simple IT automation platform that makes your applications and systems easier to deploy.

Running a playbook on multiple host groups one at a time

I want to run a playbook containing some roles on multiple host groups I create dynamically with the group_by …

ansible ansible-2.x ansible-inventory
How do I pass username and password while using Ansible Git module?

While doing clone, push or pull of a private git repository hosted internally (e.g. on a GitLab instance) with …

ansible ansible-playbook ansible-2.x
How to kill a running process using ansible?

I have an ansible playbook to kill running processes and works great most of the time!, however, from time to …

process ansible kill ansible-2.x kill-process
How can I show progress for a long-running Ansible task?

I have a some Ansible tasks that perform unfortunately long operations - things like running an synchronization operation with an …

ansible ansible-2.x
How to use ansible 'expect' module for multiple different responses?

Here I am trying to test my bash script where it is prompting four times. #!/bin/bash date >/opt/…

python python-2.7 ansible ansible-2.x
Conflicting action statement in ansible

I am getting the following error : Conflicting action statement in ansible. I tried to understand, my code seems to be …

ansible ansible-playbook ansible-2.x
Ansible writing output from multiple task to a single file

In Ansible, I have written an Yaml playbook that takes list of host name and the executes command for each …

ansible-playbook ansible-2.x
Correct way to create dynamic lists in Ansible

I'm looking for advice. I have the following code that creates a list dynamically that I can then later use …

ansible ansible-playbook ansible-2.x
Ansible: How to add variables to "command" or "shell"

Is it possible to use variables on command or shell modules? I have the following code, and I would like …

ansible ansible-2.x
How can I get a list of hosts from an Ansible inventory file?

Is there a way to use the Ansible Python API to get a list of hosts from a given inventory …

python ansible ansible-2.x