Top "Angular-ui-bootstrap" questions

A set of AngularJS directives based on Twitter Bootstrap's markup and CSS

Angularjs ui bootstrap: how to vertical center modal component?

Recently I am learning angularjs. I have used bootstrap before. With jquery, I can easily change the position of the …

angularjs angular-ui-bootstrap bootstrap-modal
Angularjs Accordion Access isOpen State

Is there a way to access whether an accordion-group is open or not? I know there's the isOpen directive but …

angularjs angular-ui angular-ui-bootstrap angular-bootstrap
Angular-ui bootstrap modal without creating new controller

plunk: If I use the $modalInstance on the same controller(modalController.js), without being …

angularjs modal-dialog angular-ui angular-ui-bootstrap angularjs-controller
Pagination in Angular UI Bootstrap throwing "Error: [$compile:nonassign]"

I'm using a fairly simple implementation of Angular Bootstrap UI's pagination directive, yet I keep getting an error I cannot …

angularjs angular-ui-bootstrap
Angular JS render JSON in tree like format

How do I render JSON in tree like way just like does using angular JS?

javascript angularjs angularjs-directive angular-ui angular-ui-bootstrap
collapse transition not working with angular's UI Bootstrap

I'm trying to create a div which will show / hide when a button is clicked. The UI Bootstrap page shows …

angularjs css-transitions angular-ui-bootstrap
How to close Angular-bootstrap popover when clicking outside

I am attempting to close my Angular-bootstrap popovers when clicking anywhere outside the popovers. According to an answer to this …

javascript angularjs twitter-bootstrap angular-ui-bootstrap angular-bootstrap
How can I modify ui.bootstrap.dropdown to respond to a mouse hover over the drop button?

I would like to use the ui.bootstrap.dropdown message box to display text information (not links) in a similar …

angularjs angular-ui-bootstrap
ui-bootstrap drop down seems to be not working with version 0.12.0

Something seems to have been broken with version 0.12.0 of ui-bootstrap. Here is my plunkr that shows the issue This works …

angularjs angular-ui-bootstrap
Angular ui-select is not displaying the list of options when included in angular-ui-bootstrap modal

I am facing an issue with the anular-ui-bootstrap modal directive. Am using the angular's ui-select component in my app as …

angularjs angular-ui-bootstrap bootstrap-modal ui-select