Top "Angular-ui-bootstrap" questions

A set of AngularJS directives based on Twitter Bootstrap's markup and CSS

UI Bootstrap Popover: change width

I'm trying to use the popovers from UI Bootstrap in AngularJS: <i class="…

angularjs angular-ui-bootstrap
Multi-item responsive carousel

I'm building a website that requires a carousel to be implemented. Because this website is built on AngularJS I wanted …

javascript css angularjs angular-ui-bootstrap
Angular UI Bootstrap Popover - How add a close button

I've a table with a popover for every cell as in the follow example: the call to popover: <td …

angularjs angular-ui-bootstrap popover
Is there a way to automatically close Angular UI Bootstrap modal when route changes?

I've got links in templates inside modals. When I click them, the current page changes, but the overlay and modal …

angularjs angular-ui angular-ui-bootstrap
Angular-ui's tooltip does not display correctly in ng-grid

I've been searching for some time for a solution for displaying a tooltip on ng-grid but with no luck. When …

angularjs angular-ui-bootstrap ng-grid
Positioning Angular UI bootstrap Datepicker

I am having a "small" issue with the angularjs ui datepicker. I need to indicate somehow, if an input with …

angularjs datepicker angular-ui-bootstrap
Unit testing a modalInstance controller with Karma / Jasmine

EDIT : Quick & Dirty solution at the end of this post I am using a modal window from AngularUI-Bootstrap in …

angularjs jasmine karma-runner angular-ui-bootstrap karma-jasmine
How to catch backdrop click event when clicked out of angular ui bootstrap modal?

In my application, it is using $ function to open a modal popup which is using another page as …

javascript angularjs angular-ui-bootstrap
Angularjs - $uibModal provider error

I'm trying to inject $uibModal into my project, however when the controller loads, I get the following error: Error: [$injector:…

javascript angularjs angular-ui-bootstrap