Top "Angular-pipe" questions

Use for discussion of Angular 2+ pipes

Angular 4 Filter Search Custom Pipe

So I am trying to build a custom pipe to do a search filter of multiple values in a ngFor …

javascript angular typescript angular-pipe
Angular 2 Pipe under condition

Is it possible in Angular 2 to apply a pipe under condition? I would like to do something like: {{ variable.text | (…

angular conditional-statements angular-pipe angular2-pipe
Angular 4 - How to use currency pipe in input type

I have an HTML input: <input [(ngModel)]="item.value" name="inputField" type="text" /> I want to format its …

angular html-input angular-pipe angular2-ngmodel
How to print an array in comma separated string in angular html

I have to display a parse an array inside a json in HTML: <p class="personaType">{{cardData.names}}&…

angular angular-pipe
No Provider for CustomPipe - angular 4

I've a custom decimal format pipe that uses angular Decimal pipe inturn. This pipe is a part of the shared …

angular angular-module angular-pipe
How to use pipes in Component

I want to use the datePipe in my component. I followed the instructions here but I am met with Error: …

angular angular-pipe
Angular: limitTo pipe not working

I am trying to run limitTo pipe on Angular2 on a string: {{ item.description | limitTo : 20 }} And I get the following …

angular angular-pipe
How to access form control and form group in angular reactive form

I would like to pipe a form group of a reactive form. Then I would like to do some checks …

angular angular6 angular-forms angular-pipe
How to change time from 24 to 12 hour format in angular 5

I have used input type time in my application to receive time: <mat-input-container> <input matInput formControlName="start_…

angular angular5 angular-pipe
Pass multiple values to pipe in Angular 6

I need to create a search form in Angular 6 with pipe and must pass multiple arguments to pipe . nameSearch , emailSearch ,…

angular angular6 angular-pipe