Top "Angular-aot" questions

A AOT-Compiler (Ahead of time) compiles the source code before the code is executed.

Angular AOT compilation error "cannot determine module for class Component''

I have an Angular (4.3.2) application on which I want to perform an AOT build. App was created using @angular/cli. …

angular typescript angular-cli aot angular-aot
AOT - Angular 6 - Directive SomeComponent, Expected 0 arguments, but got 1. for self made Component

I am facing issue when i want to compile my current project in AOT with following package version : @ngtools/[email protected] @…

angular webpack angular-aot ngtools
Angular library build error: TypeError: Cannot read property 'type' of null

In Angular v6, when attempting to build my library I am running into an extremely non-descriptive BUILD ERROR Cannot read …

angular angular-aot
Angular 5.2 AOT build error Expected 0 arguments, but got 1 when using $event

I am capturing output event in method without parameter and it's working fine. but when i try to build AOT …

angular angular-aot
Angular 5 webpack 3 aot

I'm trying to make an aot build with webpack 3 and angular 5, but there are so many tutorials on the net …

angular webpack angular5 angular-aot