Edit background color of a day in calendar view

Lele picture Lele · Nov 2, 2013 · Viewed 8.8k times · Source

in my application, I have to show a calendar in which some days are colored differently (eg with a green background) I entered the "calendar view" and I focused on the current date, but can not seem to color certain days from code. Can you give me some advice? (I don't want to use custom library)

CalendarView calendario = (CalendarView) findViewById(R.id.calendarView1);
    Calendar Now = Calendar.getInstance();
    calendario.setDate(Now.getTimeInMillis()); //focus calendar view on today


rudicjovan picture rudicjovan · Sep 26, 2018

Almost impossible to do, try to use https://github.com/SundeepK/CompactCalendarView, it works great. I switched from CalendarView to CompactCalendarView, and it solved most of my problems.