Top "Android-xml" questions

Android projects use XML in several ways: defining the project and components, building layouts, defining animations, creating menus and specifying resources (static and dynamic) for the project.

Android windowSoftInputMode="adjustPan" scroll some more

Consider the following example for a view: <LinearLayout> <EditText /> <Button /> </LinearLayout> And …

android android-layout android-view android-xml
Android scrollview hiding top content in layout

Im having a problem where the android scrollview starts hiding a pair of textviews I have at the top of …

android android-layout android-xml android-scrollview
Namespace 'ads' not bound

I am trying to add admob to my android app in android studio. I almost there but am getting the …

android admob android-xml
Getting a String from Plurals to use in XML?

I am using Plurals to simplify my code. e.g., I used to have <string name="cat">Cat&…

android android-xml
Custom shaped Linearlayout with curved side in android

I am trying to make a custom shaped linearlayout like below I am trying to make only one side curved. …

android android-xml android-drawable android-shape
EditText - Gap between text and EditText's line

When I insert text to my EditText field the text has an abnormal gap between itself and the EditText's line. …

android android-layout android-edittext android-xml
Android view slide in from top to bottom

I am able to give bottom to top animation when I go to next activity but now when I pressed …

android animation android-animation android-xml viewanimator
Toolbar in AppBarLayout is scrollable although RecyclerView has not enough content to scroll

Is it really intended that the Toolbar in a AppBarLayout is scrollable although the main container with the "appbar_scrolling_…

android android-xml android-coordinatorlayout android-appbarlayout
ImageView not keeping max height and width

I load an image into an ImageView using .setImageURI(selectedImageUri) that is retrieved from the user's photo gallery. I have …

android android-layout android-imageview android-xml
Activity Layout: Fragment class: vs android:name attributes

I've read the documentation about Fragments in the Android Developer Guide and I've seen that sometimes they specify the class …

android android-fragments android-xml xml-attribute