Questions regarding Views in Android.
I need to get page indicator in the view pager file with images. Here is my code. public class IndicatorActivity …
android android-viewpager android-view viewpagerindicator activity-indicatorI'm a bit confused about the roles of forceLayout(), requestLayout() and invalidate() methods of the View class. When shall they …
android android-layout android-viewI want to give ID to some views (textview ,imageview etc) in a layout that is programmetically created. So what …
android android-viewI need help with ConstraintSet. My goal is to change view's constraints in code, but I cant figure out how …
android android-layout android-view android-constraintlayoutI have an Activity with 3 EditTexts and a custom view which acts a specialised keyboard to add information into the …
android android-activity android-edittext android-viewI know there are many topics about this here. I have also read documentation many times but I can't find …
android android-layout android-fragments android-view android-tabsI have a text view in my Lyout and I would like to set some text to this textview. This …
android android-viewNow I've got this fragment which i want to use setContentView with but so far i cant find how. You …
android android-fragments android-viewHow to define a SeekBar's minimum value? Is this done in the XML layout or do I need to define …
java android android-view seekbarWhat's the best way to disable the touch events for all the views?
android android-view touch-event