Top "Activity-indicator" questions

Android view pager with page indicator

I need to get page indicator in the view pager file with images. Here is my code. public class IndicatorActivity …

android android-viewpager android-view viewpagerindicator activity-indicator
How implement a UIActivityIndicatorView when the UIWebView is Loading? (iPhone ObjC)

I want to know how to implement an activityIndicator in a WebView based app, I wrote the following code but …

iphone objective-c xcode activity-indicator
How to set the activity indicator in the navigation bar?

I am new to iphone development. I want to set an activity indicator in the navigation bar. I see my …

iphone frame activity-indicator navigationbar
Show activity indicator animation when button pressed

I have a button called "Sync". When tapped / pressed it sends data to a webserver and retrieves the answer by …

ios nsurlconnection activity-indicator
How do I place my activityIndicator programmatically?

I want to place my activityIndicator where I want it programmatically, but I don´t know how. I know how …

swift swift3 uiactivityindicatorview activity-indicator
Animating Activity Indicator on iOS launch screen

Is it possible to use UIActivityIndicator on the iOS launch screen? I tried, but it's not animating. Has anyone tried …

ios uiactivityindicatorview activity-indicator
React Native - Activity Indicator while FlatList loads images

Whenever my app mounts, I have set: constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = { loading: true }; } I have an activity indicator …

react-native loading activity-indicator
Xamarin.Forms custom loading gif as activity indicator

I would just like to know of something is possible as I am very new to Xamarin and I am …

xamarin xamarin.forms activity-indicator
React-Native ActivityIndicator doesn't hide after animation finish

I have an ActivityIndicator that shows while fetch is loading and the wheel disappears when componentDidMount is fired, but keeps …

javascript react-native jsx uiactivityindicatorview activity-indicator
Activity Indicator not appearing

I have some heavy code that runs for around 0.2 seconds. I set up the activity indicator like this; however, it …

ios swift activity-indicator