Top "Android-sqlite" questions

Android uses SQLite to store and retrieve data persistently.

How to create a table with a two or more foreign keys using Android Room?

According the entity-relationship model, the relationship between tbl_post and tbl_category could be specified using Room Persistency Library as …

android sqlite android-sqlite android-room
How can I list all the triggers of a database in sqlite?

I can not drop a trigger, but when I try to create a new one with same name — it alerts …

sqlite android-sqlite sqliteopenhelper
What is the limit of SQL variables one can specify in a single execSQL query

I am trying to improve the speed of my android database inserts. What I am currently doing is generate a …

android sqlite android-sqlite
The connection pool for database '/data/data/msv_database.db' has been unable to grant a connection. Connections: 0 active, 1 idle, 0 available

I m getting following error:while accessing database from two different threads using single database object throughout the application The …

android android-sqlite
What is the purpose of an Android projection map in a content provider?

I am looking at the Android notepad application sample code in <path_to_SDK>/samples/android-16/NotePad/src/…

android android-contentprovider android-sqlite
SQLiteFullException: database or disk is full (code 13) GreenDao

how to solving SQLiteFulException in greenDao when I delete record from table? this is my stacktrace : android.database.sqlite.SQLiteFullException: …

android android-sqlite greendao
Android: Bulk Insert, when InsertHelper is deprecated

There is plenty answers and tutorials using InsertHelper to do fast bulk insert in SQLiteDatabase. But InsertHelper is deprecated as …

android sqlite android-contentprovider bulkinsert android-sqlite
<expr> expected, got '?'

When typing a SQLite statement as a string literal in a class in Android Studio, the IDE gives me this …

android android-studio android-sqlite
Get row ID of an SQLite FTS3 table

I have created an SQLite FTS3 table that I am using within the Android development platform (target is 2.2 and minVersion …

android android-sqlite fts3
How to update table with activeandroid after adding a new column

thank you for reading and helping :) I am using ActiveAndroid 3.0 - Android 2.2 - In my app I have a model …

android database android-sqlite activeandroid