Top "Android-spinner" questions

A spinner is a control/widget that allows the user to select an item from a group, like a dropdown list.

How to show divider between spinner items?

I using listviews and expandedviews that has dividers and I can set them but on spinner its looks like it …

android android-layout android-spinner divider
How to change a spinner's list background color in Android

I'm creating a new spinner dynamically, how can I change my list background color? the current background color is some …

android android-spinner
Create a spinner programmatically in Android

I want to create a spinner without using XML. I am new in android and my knowledge is limited. By …

android spinner android-spinner
Difference between getView & getDropDownView in SpinnerAdapter

When you implement SpinnerAdapter you get getDropDownView, how does it differ from getView which you have when you need to …

android android-arrayadapter android-spinner baseadapter
Spinner: get state or get notified when opens

Is it possible to know whether a Spinner is open or closed? It would even be better if there was …

android android-spinner android-adapterview
Android Spinner with different layouts for "drop down state" and "closed state"?

I have an Android Spinner view in my layout. I would like that spinner to show only a single text …

android spinner android-spinner
android spinner dropdown checkbox

I have Spinner like this : <Spinner android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:id="@+id/…

android drop-down-menu textview android-spinner android-checkbox
Create a progressDialog only with the spinner (in the middle)

I need to create a progressDialog only with the spinner and without the box (or at least with a smaller …

android android-spinner android-progressbar
Android get all countries on array spinner

I've searched a lot but the stuff I found was a little confused. I need to get the android country …

android android-spinner
How to wrap lengthy text in a spinner?

I have two spinner and EditText controls within a table layout view on a separate row. The spinners are populated …

android text spinner android-spinner word-wrap