Top "Android-scroll" questions

Disable scrolling in webview?

Until now I have been an iPhone developer only and now I have decided to give Android a whirl. Something …

android android-webview android-scroll android-scrollbar
Recyclerview inside ScrollView not scrolling smoothly

For my app I am using a RecyclerView inside a ScrollView where the RecyclerView has a height based on its …

android android-recyclerview android-scrollview android-scroll
How to do the new PlayStore parallax effect

Does anyone know how can I achieve the new parallax scrolling effect - you can see the effect when you …

android android-layout android-animation material-design android-scroll
How to scroll ListView to the bottom?

I though this would be a simple task, but apparently there is no way to scroll listview to the bottom. …

android android-listview android-scroll
Where does Android View.scrollTo(x, y) scroll to?

scrollTo(int x, int y) says: x the x position to scroll to y the y position to scroll to …

android android-view android-scroll
How to Hide ActionBar/Toolbar While Scrolling Down in Webview

In Google chrome and play store. the app can hide the actionbar while scrolling and allows the user to Browse …

android android-webview android-scrollview android-scroll
Check if items are completely visible in the RecyclerView

I'm trying to check if some specific items are visible in the RecyclerView; But I couldn't implement that. Please help …

android-recyclerview android-scroll
Android RecyclerView smooth scroll to view that's animating their height

I have a RecyclerView with Expandable Child Views, when the child ViewGroup is clicked it inflates an amount of views …

java android android-animation android-recyclerview android-scroll
using onScroll in android listview

Friends I am using listview and loading contents on scroll when it reaches at the end. But I am facing …

android listview android-listview android-scrollview android-scroll
list view position is getting changed when scrolling on android

I have list view [text view and check box controlls] with more data. I will choose the item from list …

android android-listview android-scroll