Top "Android-resolution" questions

The screen resolution of an Android device

how to auto resize, compatible, adjust screen size for all android devices

I am creating a simple quiz test app "Target SDK API 16 (4.1 Jelly Beans)" Screen 3.7 (480x800 hdpi). This app looks great …

android android-layout android-xml android-screen-support android-resolution
Android responsive layout

I am building application (calculator). I use table layout with buttons inside. It looks perfect on screen of Samsung Galaxy …

android android-layout android-tablelayout android-resolution
Android DisplayMetrics returns incorrect screen size in pixels on ICS

I've tried this.... DisplayMetrics metrics = new DisplayMetrics(); getWindowManager().getDefaultDisplay().getMetrics(metrics); int fullscreenheight = metrics.heightPixels; int fullscreenwidth = metrics.widthPixels; and.... …

android android-layout android-screen android-resolution
hdpi ldpi mdpi icon/menu resolution

I want to set an icon for my application, and don't know the exact resolution to put in the three …

android android-resolution
how to use adb to change resolution of device

I'm trying to change the resolution of devices using following command adb shell wm size 480x800 but after the screen …

android adb android-resolution
Android: what is the difference between resolution and density?

according to Android definitions, i've found that: Resolution: The total number of physical pixels on a screen Density: Based on …

android android-resolution
Image Sizes for the Android Application

Sorry I know earlier some people have same kind of questions but I am suffering from the same issue and …

android android-layout android-image android-drawable android-resolution
how to know which phone support which layout(hdpi , mdpi and xhpi)?

I'm a little confused about how to determine which phones support what layout types. I've done some research but haven't …

android android-layout android-resources android-resolution
Converting iOS PT to Android DP?

I have a style guide of iOS app which specifies height, width, padding, font size etc in PT (1x as …

ios dpi android-resolution
Android - Screen Resolution and Screen Density

As per managing resources(images) in > Android 1.6 version, we need to keep different-resolutions image in Drawable-Hdpi, Drawable-Mdpi, Drawable-Lpi folder …

android android-screen android-resolution