Top "Android-photos" questions

Android - Supported Image Types

i have searched on the Image types supported by Android everywhere. Actually, my confusion is which are image types supported …

android android-camera android-image android-photos
Android - How can I get image from ClipData?

I'm creating an image uploader that has the ability to upload more than 1 images at once. galerijButton.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() { @…

android image upload android-photos
Android How to create new photo album and add it to default phone gallery in Code

I have an app, let's call it FilterAppX it basically let's you load an image, and I will customize it, …

android android-camera photo-gallery android-photos
photo share intent in android

Intent shareIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_SEND); shareIntent.addFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_WHEN_TASK_RESET); shareIntent.setType("image/*"); Uri …

android android-intent android-photos android-sharing
android - get images from camera shot

I am curious as to how to get images from the Gallery/Camera folder in Android. I am looking into …

android media gallery android-photos