The Paging Architecture Component makes it easier for your app to gradually load information as needed from a data source, without overloading the device or waiting too long for a big database query.
I am using the Android Paging Library like described here: But …
android search android-pagingI am using the new paging library for my data. Everything works fine when the ViewModel is created and live …
android android-architecture-components android-livedata android-pagingIn my ViewModel, I load data using private val pagingConfig = PagedList.Config.Builder() .setEnablePlaceholders(false) .setInitialLoadSizeHint(INITIAL_LOAD_SIZE_HINT) .…
android-architecture-components android-jetpack android-livedata android-paging android-architecture-lifecycleLiveData setValue should have triggered the onChanged method in the Activity, however it calls only at the first time, after …
java android kotlin android-livedata android-pagingI'm currently looking into incorporating the Paging Architecture library (version 2.1.0-beta01 at the time of writing) into my app. One …
android kotlin android-architecture-components android-pagingI use Paging Library to paginate my data set. What I'm trying to do is to refresh the RecyclerView after …
android pagination android-architecture-components android-pagingThe new paging library allows us to specify a custom data source to use with data pagination. Paging library documentation …
android android-architecture-components android-jetpack android-pagingI used Paging with Retrofit to loading list of Notifications data from REST API. When I press delete button of …
android android-architecture-components android-pagingI'm using 2 components of the jetpack: Paging library and Navigation. In my case, I have 2 fragment: ListMoviesFragment & MovieDetailFragment when …
android android-recyclerview android-paging android-architecture-navigation