Top "Android-networking" questions

The Android networking subsystem.

CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE deprecated in target of Android N

I am getting warning of deprecated declaration of Broadcast Receiver. <!-- NETWORK RECEIVER... --> <receiver android:name=".…

android broadcastreceiver deprecated intentfilter android-networking
Capture network traffic programmatically (no root)

I'm trying to find resources or library which could permit me to capture the traffic of all the network packets …

android network-programming android-networking packet-sniffers
Android API-23: InetAddressUtils replacement

Switching to Android Marshmallow API, I was using org.apache.http.conn.util.InetAddressUtils for InetAddressUtils.isIPv4Address(ipAddress) in …

android android-networking android-6.0-marshmallow
Why should I use OkHttp instead of android httpClient and AsyncTask

In the presentation of Paresh Mayani at SpeakerDeck ( he says that it's better to use …

android retrofit okhttp android-networking androidhttpclient
Running WebView in Background

I am developing an application which utilizes a WebView to sign into a website, pull content from it, then notify …

android android-webview android-service android-networking
How to check Wifi is connected, but no Internet access in Android

I would like to know why wifi is connected but there is no internet access in Android. How can i …

android android-networking
android how to get indicate when the internet connection is lost?

I'm developing an android application and I want to get a notification when the internet (wifi or packet data connection) …

android android-networking android-internet
Android ConnectivityManager is not seeing permission ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE

I have simple code that wants to read the state of network connection. I've added permission to the AndroidManifest.xml: &…

android eclipse android-networking eclipse-adt
Reset Android mobile network signal?

I need my app to reset the device's mobile network signal. This would have the same effect as toggling airplane …

android android-networking airplane
Android, How to handle change in network (from GPRS to Wi-fi and vice-versa) while polling for data

I use DefaultHttpClient and HttpGet to poll data from server. Now, say a user was in Wi-fi network and moves …

android wifi android-networking gprs