Top "Android-networking" questions

The Android networking subsystem.

Get response status code using Retrofit 2.0 and RxJava

I'm trying to upgrade to Retrofit 2.0 and add RxJava in my android project. I'm making an api call and want …

android retrofit rx-java android-networking rx-android
POST with Android Retrofit

I'm new to Android programming and working with Retrofit. I've done a bunch of research on this topic, but haven't …

android android-asynctask android-networking androidhttpclient retrofit
Intent action for network events in android sdk

I need to receive broadcasts for network actions like network connected, disconnected etc. I am using a broadcast receiver for …

android intentfilter android-networking
Volley and AsyncTask

I read a post about Volley and I know it's great networking library. But I couldn't understand one thing. All …

android android-networking android-volley
How do I get IP_ADDRESS in IPV4 format

I am trying to get the IP address of an device i.e using WIFI or 3G connection. I am …

android ip-address android-4.0-ice-cream-sandwich android-networking
Ethernet Connectivity through Programmatically (Android) (Rooted Device)

I have a small issue regarding Ethernet. My three questions are: Can we programmatically Turn-On/Off Ethernet? Can we programmatically …

android ethernet android-networking
Retrofit get String response

Is it possible to recieve only String response using Retrofit library? I have a situation where I need to add …

android retrofit android-networking
Retrofit 2 can't upload a file with two additional separate string parameters

Read edit at bottom of the question for possible alternative solution until the solution is found.

android file-upload retrofit android-networking retrofit2
How to download file/image from url to your android app

I need my android app to make request to url to download an image from this url so I have …

android download android-networking android-notification-bar
Android Find the device's ip address when it's hosting a hotspot

I need to find the device's ip address when it's hosting a hotspot. I've used this code so far : //if …

android wifi ip-address android-wifi android-networking