Top "Android-ndk-r7" questions

The Android Native Development Kit enables users to call C/C++ code from their applications running in the Dalvik Virtual Machine.

JNI and Gradle in Android Studio

I'm trying to add native code to my app. I have everything in ../main/jni as it was in my …

android java-native-interface gradle android-studio android-ndk-r7
Android ICS 4.0 NDK NewStringUTF is crashing down the App

I have a method in JNI C/C++ which takes jstring and returns back jstring some thing like as below, …

android android-ndk java-native-interface android-4.0-ice-cream-sandwich android-ndk-r7
adb shell ping the host does not work

Right now, I want to check whether the android device can connect to another device via the net. I can …

android android-ndk android-ndk-r7
No implementation found for native, java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError

Okay before you flag this as a duplicate I have tried the following No implementation found for native No implementation …

android android-ndk devil android-ndk-r7
android ndk undefined reference to a method

Hi Sorry for the long post I am trying to compile some static classes namely jsmn.c,json.c and …

android android-ndk static-libraries undefined-reference android-ndk-r7
openSSL using Android's NDK problems

I have the following situation, I am porting a piece of an app using OpenSSL for AES encryption, I have …

android android-ndk openssl android-ndk-r7
how to use the JNI to change the fields of a java class

I am using a c native function to change the integer fields of a java class. Basically i want to …

android java-native-interface android-ndk-r7