I have a method in JNI C/C++ which takes jstring and returns back jstring some thing like as below,
NATIVE_CALL(jstring, method)(JNIEnv * env, jobject obj, jstring filename)
// Get jstring into C string format.
const char* cs = env->GetStringUTFChars (filename, NULL);
char *file_path = new char [strlen (cs) + 1]; // +1 for null terminator
sprintf (file_path, "%s", cs);
env->ReleaseStringUTFChars (filename, cs);
reason_code = INTERNAL_FAILURE;
char* info = start_module(file_path);
jstring jinfo ;
jinfo = env->NewStringUTF(NULL);
jinfo = env->NewStringUTF(info);
delete info;
info = NULL;
return jinfo;
The code works perfectly with prior android 4.0 versions like 2.2,2.3 and so on. With ICS 4.0 check JNI is on by default and because of it the app crashes throwing the following error
08-25 22:16:35.480: W/dalvikvm(24027): **JNI WARNING: input is not valid Modified UTF-8: illegal continuation byte 0x40**
08-25 22:16:35.480: W/dalvikvm(24027):
08-25 22:16:35.480: W/dalvikvm(24027): ==========
08-25 22:16:35.480: W/dalvikvm(24027): /tmp/create
08-25 22:16:35.480: W/dalvikvm(24027): ==========
08-25 22:16:35.480: W/dalvikvm(24027): databytes,indoorgames,drop
08-25 22:16:35.480: W/dalvikvm(24027): ==========���c_ag����ϋ@�ډ@�����@'
08-25 22:16:35.480: W/dalvikvm(24027): in Lincom/inter /ndk/comNDK;.rootNDK:(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String; **(NewStringUTF)**
08-25 22:16:35.480: I/dalvikvm(24027): "main" prio=5 tid=1 NATIVE
08-25 22:16:35.480: I/dalvikvm(24027): | group="main" sCount=0 dsCount=0 obj=0x40a4b460 self=0x1be1850
08-25 22:16:35.480: I/dalvikvm(24027): | sysTid=24027 nice=0 sched=0/0 cgrp=default handle=1074255080
08-25 22:16:35.490: I/dalvikvm(24027): | schedstat=( 49658000 26700000 48 ) utm=1 stm=3 core=1
08-25 22:16:35.490: I/dalvikvm(24027): at comrootNDK(Native Method)
I am clueless as to where i am wrong. If you see above NewStringUTF is adding some garbage value to the c Char* bytes .
I really appreciate if one of you can help me in . Thanks in advance
regds me
The cause of this problem is directly related to a known UTF-8 bug in the NDK/JNI GetStringUTFChars() function (and probably related functions like NewStringUTF). These NDK functions do not convert supplementary Unicode characters (i.e., Unicode characters with a value of U+10000 and above) correctly. This leads to incorrect UTF-8 and subsequent crashes.
I encountered the crash when handling user input text that contained emoticon characters (see the corresponding Unicode chart). Emoticon characters lie in the Supplementary Unicode character range.
Analysis of the Problem
There is a known NDK bug whereby GetStringUTFChars() incorrectly converts supplementary Unicode characters, producing an incorrect and invalid UTF-8 sequence.
In my case, the resulting string was a JSON buffer. When the buffer was passed to the JSON parser, the parser promptly failed because one of the UTF-8 characters of the extracted UTF-8 had an invalid UTF-8 prefix byte.
Possible Workaround
The solution I've used can be summarized as follows:
In this way we circumvent the problem of extracting supplementary Unicode characters from the Java string. Instead, we convert the data to Base-64 ASCII before calling GetStringUTFChars(), extract the Base-64 ASCII characters using GetStringUTFChars(), and convert the Base-64 data back to wide characters.