Top "Android-mediaprojection" questions

MediaProjection is an Android class that facilitates capturing the screen and recording system audio.

Android ImageReader get NV21 format?

I do not have a background in imaging or graphics, so please bear with me :) I am using JavaCV in …

android image imaging android-mediaprojection
How to use Mediaprojection library in android to capture screen and convert into mp4 file?

Since android 5.0 they are providing mediaprojection library to capture screen content. but sample demo application provided by them is not …

android android-mediarecorder android-mediaprojection
Android MediaProjectionManager in Service

I want to build an app where I have to use MediaProjectionManager in a Service. But I can not solve …

android service broadcastreceiver android-mediaprojection
Media projections require a foreground service of type ServiceInfo.FOREGROUND_SERVICE TYPE_MEDIA_PROJECTION in Android Pie and Q

any body knows why this error occur, Media projections require a foreground service of type ServiceInfo.FOREGROUND_SERVICE_TYPE_MEDIA_…

java android android-9.0-pie foreground-service android-mediaprojection
MediaProjection service type not recognized in android Q

With the new privacy changes in effect with Android Q, it is now mandatory for any app using MediaProjection api …

android android-mediaprojection android-10.0