The manifest presents essential information about the application to the Android system
What should be the manifest entry of an Android application which supports only device not tablet. Device size can be …
android android-manifest google-play android-screen-support android-market-filteringI am trying to intercept a couple different links with my app, and I am having trouble with the intent-filter …
android android-activity android-intent android-manifest intentfilterI am trying to integrate Google Analytics for Android. As per the documentation here, it asks to add android.permission.…
android google-analytics android-manifest android-permissions google-analytics-firebaseI have added android:exported="true" to my only activity in manifest but still getting below error after updating compile …
android android-manifest manifest android-12 targetsdkversionI got an exception java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to start service ... java.lang.SecurityException: Requires ACCESS_MOCK_LOCATION secure setting …
android android-manifest android-locationI am having a little trouble with the complier, Same code I use on Nexus 5, no error. as Soon as …
java android android-manifest twitter4jI am developing an Android project which includes two modules where one is a library module for producing .aar files …
android android-manifest android-permissions aarFor some reason, even though my app name appeared correctly next to the app icon, when I looked for the …
android cocos2d-x android-manifestI just updated my studio with android studio 3.5 and now when I am trying to refactor AndroidManifest.xml file and …
android android-studio android-manifestBACKGROUND I am reading this tutorial on Android Content Providers. I understand from this tutorial that, In order for other …
android permissions android-manifest android-contentprovider android-contentresolver