Top "Android-manifest" questions

The manifest presents essential information about the application to the Android system

Getting "debuggable" value of androidManifest from code?

I've written a wrapper on top of that is provided by android. My Class will add some other …

android android-manifest
android library project and Activities

I'm developing an Android SDK library. In this library I've declared and used some Activities. Now I've tried to include …

android android-activity android-manifest android-library
Android Studio is adding me android.permission.USE_CREDENTIALS on my manifest

When i compile my app for release, a new permission called USE_CREDENTIALS is being added to my manifest. <…

android android-studio android-manifest android-gradle-plugin manifest-merging
Set system properties for Android application

Can I (in the Manifest file or somewhere else) set system properties for my Android application? I want to use …

android configuration android-manifest system-properties
applicationId manifest placeholder for multiple build flavors not working

I am modifying current android project so it can be installed on same device for multiple flavors and build configs. …

android gradle android-manifest buildconfig manifest-merging
Is it possible to have custom attributes in AndroidManifest.xml tags?

I would like to add a custom attribute to the application tag of my AndroidManifest.xml file. Is this possible …

android android-manifest
I set uses-feature android:required="false" but Google play keeps insisting on these features

I've coded my app so that it has some features which it prefers, but otherwise does not need as I …

android android-manifest uses-feature
How to use a different launcher activity in a product flavor?

I'm working on an Android library project, in the default src/main/AndroidManifest.xml, the MainActivity is the launcher activity. …

android android-intent android-manifest android-productflavors

I'm facing a strange problem with android studio. I have two Android app that uses facebook sdk with same facebook …

android facebook android-studio android-manifest android-facebook
Gradle: How to merge Android manifest files for different buildTypes which need the same Activity, but with different intent-filters

so I'm trying to use gradle to create a separate buildType, but that buildType needs to use different characteristics for …

build action android-manifest gradle intentfilter