Top "Android-manifest" questions

The manifest presents essential information about the application to the Android system

How to run USSD commands on android?

has anyone know how to runs USSD command for checking phone's credit balance (the number is *123#) and get the result (…

java android android-ndk android-manifest ussd
How do you add user defined properties/values in to the Android manifest file?

I want to add a custom attribute / property into the manifest file, and be able to read it at run …

android android-manifest android-custom-attributes
How to add flags with my intent in the manifest file

we know that there are flags which we can add to our intent using the addFlags() method in our java …

android android-intent android-manifest flags
Android Library Manifest vs. App Manifest

I've read similar questions here, but am still not clear on a couple of things. Using a Library Project means …

android android-activity android-manifest android-service android-library
Why should I sign my apk before releasing to PlayStore?

What exactly is the importance of signing an apk before releasing to the market?

android security android-manifest apk sign
Do I need to uses always the last targetSdkVersion?

Simple question: In Eclipse "New Android project" command always tries to uses last available sdk. Is it always a good …

android android-manifest android-library
Android theme not being set

I have a theme that refuses to be applied to activities - none of the styles are applied. If I …

android themes android-manifest android-styles
"Possible overdraw: Root element paints background "

While running Android Lint on my Project I came across this warning Possible overdraw: Root element paints background @drawable/main …

android android-manifest android-theme
Possible to use multiple authorities with FileProvider?

Background I maintain a library whose core functionality involves sharing programmatically-captured screenshots to external email applications. I use a FileProvider …

android android-manifest android-contentprovider manifest-merging
<uses-library /> in Android Manifest

I'm a newbie for Android and I need help regarding this issue. I am developing a game using Eclipse. In …

android android-manifest andengine