Top "Android-listview" questions

a subclass of AdapterView which shows items in a vertically scrolling list.

Android ripple background color

I am using a ripple effect on my navigation drawer. I have set it like this and applied it to …

android android-activity android-listview navigation-drawer rippledrawable
Android - ListView to load more items when reached end

I have successfully implemented a listView where each row is an object I've created. I have an interface which reads …

android android-listview android-arrayadapter
EditText in Listview loses focus when pressed on Android 4.x

I know there are a lot of similar questions out here but I couldn't get any of the provided solutions …

android android-listview android-edittext android-softkeyboard ontouchlistener
How do I access to ListView from the adapter

I have a custom ListView with my own adapter. I'm handling the click on a Button in my ListView's item, …

android android-listview android-adapter
Why to use Inflater in listview

I always had ambiguity on why we need to use inflater in android, Why are they used in ListView for …

android listview android-listview layout-inflater
Android - Adding and showing items to ListView one at a time using an ArrayAdapter

I'm using an ArrayAdapter to add items to a custom ListView and showing the results in my Android app. The …

android listview android-listview android-asynctask android-arrayadapter
How to set a simple adapter to listview?

I have problem adding arraylist to list view, will explain about my problem here.. tell me what is wrong here... …

android android-listview simpleadapter
Android - delete a row from list view on button click

i am creating an application in which data is got from a barcode scanner which identifies from an id, and …

android android-listview custom-adapter custom-lists
Listview divider margin

I'm trying to set a margin to a listview divider. The divider is a dashed line: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="…

android android-listview divider