Top "Android-gradle-3.0" questions

Use this tag for questions specifically related to the version 3 of the Android Gradle Plugin, for generic questions use the android-gradle tag.

AAPT2 error: this error happened as soon as I updated my android studio to the latest version

I tried "multiDexEnabled true" as well as "android.enableAapt2=false", but the error continues to come. There seems to be …

android gradle android-gradle-3.0 aapt2
commons-logging defines classes that conflict with classes now provided by Android after Android Studio Update

I have updated Android Studio to version 3 and now seems unable to compile my project previously compiled without errors. The …

android android-studio android-gradle-plugin android-studio-3.0 android-gradle-3.0
Android Studio 3.0 Unsigned Apk Not Installing

After upgrading to android studio 3.0 the debug apk is saying App not istalled. The package appears to be corrupted

android-studio-3.0 android-gradle-3.0
Android Gradle Implementation vs CompileOnly Performance

The docs mention that implementation provides significant build time improvements over compile/api. What about compileOnly? My use case is …

android gradle android-gradle-plugin android-gradle-3.0
The CompileOptions.bootClasspath property has been deprecated

After upgrading to Gradle 4.x, I get the warning The CompileOptions.bootClasspath property has been deprecated and is scheduled to …

android gradle build.gradle android-gradle-3.0
Could not find method api() for arguments [directory 'libs']

Open File This is my gradle file: apply plugin: '' android { compileSdkVersion 27 buildToolsVersion "27.0.1" defaultConfig { applicationId "com.landdrops.cricketfantacy.…

android android-studio android-gradle-3.0
Failed to find Build Tools revision 30.0.1

My Android Studio setup is as follows : Android Studio Version : 4.0 (May 2020 Build) Android Gradle Plugin Version : 4.0.0 Gradle Version : 6.1.1 But it …

android gradle android-gradle-3.0
org.gradle.execution.TaskSelectionException: Task 'wrapper' not found in project ':app'

I open my project after a few days and I started getting this error org.gradle.execution.TaskSelectionException: Task 'wrapper' …

android android-gradle-plugin android-build android-gradle-3.0