Top "Aapt2" questions

AAPT error: resource drawable/... not found

After recently upgrading my android studio, I am not able to build my project anymore. Every time I execute a …

android resources aapt aapt2
FAILURE: Build failed with exception

> Executing tasks: [:app:assembleDebug] > > WARNING: The option 'android.enableAapt2' is deprecated and should not > be …

android gradle merge aapt aapt2
Android - resource linking failed / failed linking references

I checked the Local history of my XML files and double checked my Manifest file and found nothing wrong. Before …

android xml android-manifest aapt aapt2
Android resource linking failed

does anyone know what is this error and how can I fix this? I am trying to open a source …

android gradle aapt2
AAPT2 error: this error happened as soon as I updated my android studio to the latest version

I tried "multiDexEnabled true" as well as "android.enableAapt2=false", but the error continues to come. There seems to be …

android gradle android-gradle-3.0 aapt2
How to use aapt2, where is the documentation?

I have used aapt p to package resources and generate But when I upgraded to Android 24, I found …

android aapt aapt2
Aapt2 error in Android Studio 3.1.1

I updated android studio from 2.2 to 3.1 and it always give me aapt2 error and build failed. I added android.enableAapt2=…

android android-studio gradle aapt2
AAPT error: resource android:attr/lightRadius is private

Android resource linking failed Output: D:\MyApp\app\src\main\res\layout\activity_main.xml:65: error: resource android:attr/lightRadius …

android aapt2
failed parsing overlays - Aapt2 - Android Studio

I'm trying to use dlib in Android Studio for my university's project. I did import all the .so files that …

java android parsing overlays aapt2
AAPT: error: unexpected element <uses-permission> found in <manifest><application>

I am trying to create an android app for watchduino2.. When i follow the provided steps i encounter the error …

android android-studio aapt aapt2