Top "Android-download-manager" questions

A system service that handles long-running HTTP downloads in Android

Android download queue using DownloadManger

I'm using DownloadManager to download my files in android and its great since it handles everything (connectivity lost, retry, etc.) …

android android-service android-download-manager android-service-binding
FileProvider not working with Failed to find configured root that contains

I am trying to imlement downloading and sharing PDF file for read by another PDF reader apps (DropBox, Drive PDF …

android android-download-manager android-fileprovider
Downloaded files not appearing in the Downloads App in android

I am building an application in android where users can download remote files and save them to the external storage …

android download android-download-manager
BroadcastReceiver onReceive() getting called twice

In my app, I am using DownloadManager, for downloading PDF's, which notifies the application via a BroadcastReceiver once the download …

android broadcastreceiver android-download-manager
DownloadManager COLUMN_LOCAL_FILENAME deprecated

On Android N, i am getting an exception. It is a known issue per the documentation, which asks me to …

android android-download-manager
Why does the "download completed" notification disappear on Gingerbread devices?

I'm using the DownloadManager class to programatically download a file. All works fine but I can't get the download completed …

android android-notifications android-notification-bar android-download-manager
The best way to download and pause ,resume a big file in android?

I need to download a big file on my app (almost 1gb) and i was wondering what is the best …

android asynchronous android-download-manager download-manager
Android: detect when app is installed

I am trying to download an Android app from a server using the DownloadManager class, install it and then detect …

android broadcastreceiver android-download-manager