Top "Network-traffic" questions

EC2 instance types's exact network performance?

I cannot find exact network performance details for different EC2 instance types on Amazon. Instead, they are only saying: High …

amazon-ec2 bandwidth live-streaming network-traffic
What % of traffic is network overhead on top of HTTP/S requests

If we: 1) Count bytes/bits at the network adapter level (raw # of bits through the NIC) and, 2) Count bytes in …

networking bandwidth web-traffic network-traffic
How can I use IE8 Developer Tools to inspect network traffic?

How can I use IE8 Developer Tools to inspect network traffic? Specifics: I need to test if files have loaded …

internet-explorer-8 ie-developer-tools network-traffic
How to send DSCP-marked packets using iperf?

How to send DSCP-marked packets using iperf? I did not find the option in 1.7.0 version on Windows. Are there any …

networking network-traffic
How to know traffic to a specific port in linux

I am looking to find the traffic through a specific port for a time frame. For example, traffic through 3306 port …

linux port traffic network-traffic
How to capture the network traffic using python

I am using python and attempting to scrape the HTTP(s) traffic between my computer and a site, which would …

python network-traffic
Why can't Fiddler see my web service traffic?

I had a problem that Fiddler wasn't showing my web service calls made from my application (running locally). I found …

web-services fiddler network-traffic
How to get the correct number of bytes sent and received in TrafficStats?

My app is trying to count the number of bytes send and received over WiFi/LAN and mobile data connections. …

android traffic network-traffic traffic-measurement
Why tc cannot do ingress shaping? Does ingress shaping make sense?

In my work, I found tc can do egress shaping, and can only do ingress policing. I wonder that why …

linux networking network-traffic trafficshaping
android statistic 3g traffic for each APP, how?

For statistic network traffic per APP, what I'm using now is Android TrafficStats That I can get result like following : …

android 3g traffic network-traffic traffic-measurement