Top "Android-contentresolver" questions

A ContentResolver represents the connection between an app requesting data and the target ContentProvider.

Can I perform this Android query with ContentResolver.query()? (LEFT JOIN and CASE)

I am looking to perform the following query (in pseudo-code) on Android: SELECT C.ID, C.NAME, CASE ISNULL(G.…

android sql left-join android-contacts android-contentresolver
Android Create Playlist

Anyone know how to add playlists to Android in code? I kind of get that I have to insert it …

android android-contentresolver
A final answer on how to get Exif data from URI

This topic has been discussed in lots of questions here, with mostly different results and, due to API changes and …

android android-intent uri exif android-contentresolver
Android Contacts provider get only phone contacts with all emails

I need to get all phone contacts and their email address and photo uri: This is what am doing: private …

android performance android-contentprovider android-contacts android-contentresolver
How to store large blobs in an android content provider?

I have some large files (images and video) which I need to store in a content provider. The android documentation …

android inputstream android-contentprovider android-contentresolver
Android: getContext().getContentResolver() sometimes gets NullPointerException

I want to ask why we get this annotation: Method invocation getContext.getContentResolver() may produce NullPointerException Why is it there …

java android nullpointerexception android-contentresolver
How is advised to use the contentResolver's delete method to be injection safe?

You can delete with content resolver by URI or by passing some parameters to the where parameter. How do you …

android sql-injection android-contentresolver android-sdk-2.1
Android get sms from inbox, optimized way to read all messages and group them

Hi am implementing a SMS App, now am able to retrieve all messages with their respective contact info like display …

android android-contentprovider android-contacts android-contentresolver
How to test class using content resolver/provider?

I'm trying to test class that queries content resolver. I would like to use MockContentResolver and mock query method. The …

android unit-testing final android-contentresolver
How to get whatsapp Contacts from Android Programmatically?

I have try to get whatsapp contact from phone and i get total Count of whatsapp contact but from RawContacts …

android contacts android-contacts whatsapp android-contentresolver