A new type of layout available in the Android Support repository built on top of a flexible constraint system, marking views positions relative to each other.
I have a recyclerView inside a constraint layout and I cannot make it scroll, the list just continues below the …
android android-recyclerview android-scrollview android-constraintlayoutDoes anyone know how to use new features in constraint layout 1.1, namely barriers and percent-based dimensions? There is absolutely no …
android android-constraintlayoutI am having trouble using tags <include> and <merge> inside a ConstraintLayout. I want to create …
android android-layout viewgroup android-constraintlayoutHow can I show elevations in a view with shadows using ConstraintLayout? With Relative and Linear could perform elevations with …
shadow android-constraintlayout android-elevationI'm learning how to use ConstraintLayout and have found a few good tutorials to have views width and height in …
android android-constraintlayoutRecently I was going through the tutorials of constraint layout (new in Android Studio 2.2). In the tutorials they had buttons …
android android-studio android-studio-2.2 android-constraintlayoutI'm new to ConstraintLayout, and I'm trying to replicate the same grid behavior offered by GridLayout with ConstraintLayout. Specifically, I …
android android-layout android-gridlayout android-constraintlayoutI'm trying to create a layout composition using ConstraintLayout. In order to simplify my case, my layout should have three …
android android-constraintlayout constraint-layout-chainsI'm trying to figure out how to achieve the following behaviour using constraint layout: Place a view in the center …
android android-constraintlayoutI have 3 Guideline in Constraint Layout. One is in left with 16dpleft margin. Second is in right with 16dp right …
android android-layout android-constraintlayout