A new type of layout available in the Android Support repository built on top of a flexible constraint system, marking views positions relative to each other.
I'm using androidx.constraintlayout.widget.ConstraintLayout in my layout and it does not show the chains, also I can't drag …
android android-constraintlayout constraint-layout-chains androidxWhy RelativeLayout replaced to ConstraintLayout in the default layout file of an android empty activity. I need to know why …
android android-layout viewgroup android-constraintlayoutI'm using constraintLyout v 1.0.1. I would like to include in my xml a sub ConstraintLayout corresponding to a part of …
android xml android-layout include android-constraintlayoutRecently trying to implement Constraint Layout but I found Barrier and Guideline works same. Both works like divider. Is there …
android android-constraintlayoutI want a layout above recycler view at the bottom of the screen,(like a frame) so that even when …
android xml android-layout android-view android-constraintlayoutHow to center align 3 buttons with next to each other vertically using ConstraintLayout? To be clear, i want to convert …
android android-layout centering android-constraintlayoutI've updated Android Studio 2.3, after that I am getting default ConstrainLayout as template xml. But in that I have RelativeLayout …
android android-layout android-constraintlayout android-studio-2.3The content of the main activity looks like: the main screen looks like (all this inside ConstraintLayout): image title date …
android android-scrollview android-constraintlayoutI need to apply some constraints to a group of views in ConstraintLayout. I want to group these views and …
android android-studio android-constraintlayout constraint-layout-chainsI have this layout of my login activity. I want to overlay progressBar as like it can be done using …
android android-constraintlayout