Top "Android-compatibility" questions

Related with Android compatibility issues.

How to make my website mobile and tablet compatible?

I want to make my existing website automatically adjust itself when viewed either on mobiles, tablets, or even when you …

javascript mobile web android-compatibility
Difference between android-support-v7-appcompat and android-support-v4

I wanted to know the difference between android-support-v4.jar and android-support-v7-appcompat.jar. If I want to add appcompat Action …

android android-support-library android-4.0-ice-cream-sandwich android-actionbar-compat android-compatibility
Using android vector Drawables on pre Lollipop crash

I'm using vector drawables in android prior to Lollipop and these are of some of my libraries and tool versions: …

android vector android-support-library android-drawable android-compatibility
How to determine fragment restored from backstack

Been searching for this issue for a while to no avail now: How to determine fragment is being restored from …

android acl fragment android-support-library android-compatibility
reusing fragments in a fragmentpageradapter

I have a viewpager that pages through fragments. My FragmentPagerAdapter subclass creates a new fragment in the getItem method which …

android android-fragments fragment android-compatibility
Turn on hardware acceleration if available (such Android 3+) with Android APK 2.2

I developed a application for Android 3.0, and it's runs perfectly well, but the client insist on compatibility with 2.2 devices. Disabling …

android android-manifest apk android-compatibility android-hardware
ObjectAnimator in API Level < 11

So I'm getting really frustrated with android and the fact half the stuff doesn't work when you roll back the …

android android-compatibility
Android Support Package / Compatibility Library - use v4 or v13?

I've just read this description of the Android Support Package / Compatibility Library... ... and …

android android-support-library android-compatibility
How to get "?android:attr/actionBarSize" with Compatibility Library

I'm trying to use Fragments and ActionBar in a Android 2.2 project. There is some error when using "?android:attr/actionBarSize", …

android android-layout android-compatibility
onCreateContextMenu() for EditText doesn't work on real device

Just tried to test my app on real device (HTC Desire Z with Android 2.2). And found that my context menus …

android android-edittext contextmenu android-compatibility