Top "Android-compatibility" questions

Related with Android compatibility issues.

Usage of ?android:attr/ in backwards compatible apps

I'm trying to make my ICS (API level 15) app compatible with Gingerbread (API level 10), and I'm getting InflateException Error inflating …

java android android-theme android-compatibility
What is LinearLayoutCompat in appCompat v7?

In the support library appCompat v7 of the Android platform, there is a class. Does …

android android-compatibility
Detecting thumb position in SeekBar prior to API version 16

Basically, I need to detect when the progress changes in the SeekBar and draw a text view on top of …

android android-layout seekbar android-compatibility
Optimizing Android manifest file for largest number of supported devices

I am having issues getting my Manifest file to be compatible with a lot of the newer phones when I …

android android-manifest manifest compatibility android-compatibility
visual indication of over scroll in android

I am trying to add some visual indication, that there are no more pages in the desired fling direction in …

android android-viewpager android-compatibility android-overscoll
GridLayout from support library does not show 2 rows on Android 2, onChildVisibilityChanged Error

Has anybody gotten the support library to render a grid layout correctly in Android 2? Instead of 2 rows and columns I …

android android-layout android-widget grid-layout android-compatibility