Top "Android-assets" questions

You can use the `assets` folder to store raw asset files.

When should I use the assets as opposed to raw resources in Android?

I'm in the mid of my Android studies, and I just covered the Assets and Raw resources. I'm trying to …

android android-resources android-assets
How to get file read line by line

I have a file containing text in separate line. I want to display line first, and then if I press …

android android-assets readfile
How to access a file from asset/raw directory

with this below code i'm trying to access the file which is stored in asset/raw folder, but getting null …

android android-assets
how to reference an asset in a library project

In a class belonging to a Library project I call: webview.loadUrl("file:///android_asset/info.html", null); Unfortunately, this …

android android-library android-assets library-project
Reading file from assets directory throws FileNotFoundException

I'm trying to read in a text file of a bunch of words that I want to use for a …

android bufferedreader filenotfoundexception android-assets
How to read a text file from "assets" directory as a string?

I have a file in my assets folder... how do I read it? Now I'm trying: public static String readFileAsString(…

java android file-io android-assets
Android icon generator for actionbar and notification not working (grey shape)

I found this Asset Studio to generate icons. It works fine for the launcher icon but for action bar or …

android android-studio icons android-assets android-icons
Android - Copy files from assets to /data/data folder

I need to use some files in my app. They are kept in asset folder. I saw discussions on SO, …

android android-file android-assets internal-storage
Android Webview shouldOverrideUrlLoading method

When is shouldOverrideUrlLoading method called? webView.setWebViewClient(new WebViewClient(){ @Override public boolean shouldOverrideUrlLoading(WebView view, String url) { } }); Is it called …

android android-webview uri android-assets
Save a (.txt) file to the Assets Folder in Android?

How to write to .txt file in assets folder. How to get path assets folder ?

android android-assets