Animations can be integrated into Android Apps, through both Java and XML.
I am trying to play a set of animations sequentially using the Animator set. Everything is working except for the …
android android-animationI have a pretty complex animation I need to code and I'm using a bunch of ObjectAnimators like the following: …
android android-animation objectanimatorI'm trying to move a RelativeLayout using TranslateAnimation. Code I have written for performing the same is: translateAnimation = new TranslateAnimation(0, 0, …
android android-animation translate-animationIn my app there is a LinearLayout which has 0 Layout height. When I click the button this layout height should …
android android-layout android-animation layoutparamsI have a strange problem with an AlphaAnimation. It is supposed to run repeatedly when an AsyncTask handler is called. …
android android-animation android-uiI am able to give bottom to top animation when I go to next activity but now when I pressed …
android animation android-animation android-xml viewanimatorI am trying to implement the "swipe left to right to delete" gesture that is present for the notifications in …
android android-listview android-animation android-gestureI am using a TabLayout with 5 different fragments. On 3 of these fragments a should appear. …
android android-animation floating-action-button android-design-libraryI have a very basic selector that I am using as the background for some buttons to achieve down states. …
android android-animation android-button android-selector android-backgroundThe new Google Calendar app has an animation I would like to do in my app. When you create a …
android android-animation android-5.0-lollipop