The ActionBar is Android's window feature that identifies the application and user location, and provides user actions and navigation modes.
Android action bar compat Is it possible? On older devices (pre 3.0) the items that don't fit the action bar are …
android overflow android-4.0-ice-cream-sandwich android-actionbar actionbarsherlockI'm using fragment activity on one project, but it seems v4 support FragmentActivity doesn't has getSupportActionBar() method, and I need …
android android-actionbar android-fragmentactivity android-support-libraryHow can I convert an ArrayAdapter<String> of static data into a CursorAdapter for using Suggestion Listener in …
android android-actionbar simplecursoradapter autocompletetextview android-cursoradapterDoes anybody know how to change the text color of the appcompat SearchView? I've spent 2 hours and tried several suggestions …
android styles android-actionbar searchviewI'm struggling with styling the ActionBar. My app has an ActionBar with three tabs. I'm trying to get the selected …
android android-actionbar android-tabs android-stylesI'm creating an android app for a right-to-left specific language. And I'm using ActionBarSherlock (a compatible android action bar library). …
android actionbarsherlock android-actionbarHow can I add an Action Bar Item during run time? I am using actionBarSherlock, and I need to add …
android android-actionbar actionbarsherlockI've got a problem trying to add a SearchView widget to the ActionBar in my activity - I get a …
android nullpointerexception android-actionbar searchviewWhen I try to make a make an Android app with GreenDroid, so I put the code in there but …
java android android-actionbar greendroidI would like to set my spinner drop down color to white, whilst keeping the other elements in my theme …
android android-actionbar android-5.0-lollipop android-actionbar-compat android-toolbar