Top "Android-actionbar" questions

The ActionBar is Android's window feature that identifies the application and user location, and provides user actions and navigation modes.

display view on top of action bar

Is there a way to render a view on top of the action bar? I want to create a small …

android view android-actionbar z-index
Android appcompat actionbar menu item showAsAction not working

I have a menu item that is showing up on android 4.x but not on 2.x. Here is my menu.…

android menu android-actionbar android-appcompat
Adding a button to the ActionBar with ActionBarSherlock

I have been trying to add a button to the SherlockActionBar but I can't get it working. This is the …

android actionbarsherlock android-actionbar
How to programmatically trigger/click on a MenuItem in Android?

I have these menu items in my menu_main.xml <menu xmlns:android="…

android android-actionbar android-menu
How to get onClickListener() event on custom actionbar

I'm developing an application in which I have to get onClick() event on click of actionbar custom view. So far …

android android-layout android-actionbar onclicklistener android-inflate
How to get ActionBar view?

I'm using the Showcase library to explain my application feature to the user. In some point I need to dim …

android view android-actionbar android-actionbar-compat showcaseview
How to add overflow menu to Toolbar?

I'm trying to use Android ActionBar in my app, and have an option that's hidden away in the overflow menu. …

android android-actionbar android-toolbar android-appcompat
How to implement dynamic values on menu item in Android

I have a menu item in the action bar. Along with the menu item image, I need to show some …

android menu android-actionbar android-menu
How to dismiss/close/collapse SearchView in ActionBar in MainActivity?

I'm trying to clear and close SearchView after entering a value. I found a solution but it closes the search …

android android-actionbar searchview
Should we replace Action Bar by ToolBar?

I have been using ToolBar since it was added into Support v7 library. And I think I used it well. …

android android-actionbar android-toolbar