Top "Android-actionbar-compat" questions

ActionBar implementation from Android Support Library component that provides an ActionBar for applications built for Android 2.1 (API level 7) and higher.

How to set the height of the action bar programmatically

I'm implementing a custom view inside the Android action bar. The problem is that under some conditions I need to …

android android-actionbar android-actionbar-compat
Android expanded SearchView makes other ActionBar items disappear

I'm facing some problems with a SearchView in a Contextual Action Bar called by a Fragment. The major one is …

android android-fragments searchview android-actionbar-compat contextual-action-bar
Customizing the 'back' arrow color in Actionmode with appcompat-v7

My main theme is based on Theme.AppCompat.Light as follows: <style name="core" parent="Theme.AppCompat.Light" > &…

android android-actionbar-compat
ActionBar styling after updating to Android lollipop

I was developing custom ActionBar by selecting API19 yesterday today I updated support libraries and project to API21 with cause …

android android-5.0-lollipop android-actionbar-compat android-actionbaractivity
Android 4.4 Kitkat custom view actionbar not filling the whole width

I am trying to have a Simple actionbar with a custom view, but I get the following result: For demonstration …

android android-4.4-kitkat android-actionbar-compat
ActionBarActivity - NoClassDefFoundError exception

Already seen: NoClassDefFoundError Android with ActionBarActivity and ActionBarActivity catch an error on Phone I am trying to use ActionBarCompact in …

android noclassdeffounderror buildpath android-actionbar-compat android-actionbaractivity
"You need to use a Theme.Appcompat theme..." when testing ActionBarActivity, but I am

I have a problem when testing an app which uses ActionBarActivity from android-support-v7-appcompat via Android JUnit test in Eclipse. …

java android unit-testing android-actionbar android-actionbar-compat