ActionBar implementation from Android Support Library component that provides an ActionBar for applications built for Android 2.1 (API level 7) and higher.
In my Activity (that extends I have a fragment that is normally include into my …
android android-fragments android-dialogfragment illegalstateexception android-actionbar-compatI'm implementing a custom view inside the Android action bar. The problem is that under some conditions I need to …
android android-actionbar android-actionbar-compatI'm facing some problems with a SearchView in a Contextual Action Bar called by a Fragment. The major one is …
android android-fragments searchview android-actionbar-compat contextual-action-barMy android app runs on a sdk 23 emulator just perfectly, but when I tried to run it on a tablet …
android android-gradle-plugin android-actionbar-compat appcompatactivity android-appcompatMy main theme is based on Theme.AppCompat.Light as follows: <style name="core" parent="Theme.AppCompat.Light" > &…
android android-actionbar-compatI was developing custom ActionBar by selecting API19 yesterday today I updated support libraries and project to API21 with cause …
android android-5.0-lollipop android-actionbar-compat android-actionbaractivityI am trying to have a Simple actionbar with a custom view, but I get the following result: For demonstration …
android android-4.4-kitkat android-actionbar-compatAlready seen: NoClassDefFoundError Android with ActionBarActivity and ActionBarActivity catch an error on Phone I am trying to use ActionBarCompact in …
android noclassdeffounderror buildpath android-actionbar-compat android-actionbaractivityHello i hope someone can help me with his I was planning to put an action bar in my test …
android android-activity android-actionbar android-actionbar-compat android-appcompatI have a problem when testing an app which uses ActionBarActivity from android-support-v7-appcompat via Android JUnit test in Eclipse. …
java android unit-testing android-actionbar android-actionbar-compat