Top "Analyzer" questions

For questions related to a person or device that analyses (or analyzes) given data

Elastic search- search_analyzer vs index_analyzer

I was looking at which explains ElasticSearch analyzers. I did not understand the part about having …

search elasticsearch analyzer
Analyzers in elasticsearch

I'm having trouble understanding the concept of analyzers in elasticsearch with tire gem. I'm actually a newbie to these search …

elasticsearch analyzer tire
Elasticsearch : How to list each analyzer used by a specific index

I need to find out which analyzer (type, language..) is configured in a specific index. I tried http://localhost:9200/wazzup/_…

indexing elasticsearch analyzer snowball
Configure elasticsearch mapping with java api

I have a few elasticsearch fields that I don't want to analyze before indexing. I have read that the right …

java elasticsearch mapping analyzer
Thread Dump Analyzer

Do you know some good thread dump analyzer tool? Perfect would be : free can read a few thread dumps and …

java multithreading analyzer thread-dump
How to specify an analyzer while creating an index in ElasticSearch

I'd like to specify an analyzer, name it, and use that name in a mapping while creating an index. I'm …

indexing mapping elasticsearch analyzer
How do I extract video information from a H.264 .TS file?

Is there any good linux/unix tool to get the properties of an H264 .TS file? I need the duration, …

video h.264 analyzer
ElasticSearch Analyzer and Tokenizer for Emails

I could not find a perfect solution either in Google or ES for the following situation, hope someone could help …

email elasticsearch lucene tokenize analyzer
Elasticsearch can't update non dynamic settings

I am trying to create a test analyzer to experiment on analysis on Elastic Search. I have an index created …

indexing elasticsearch analyzer
How do I use sklearn CountVectorizer with both 'word' and 'char' analyzer? - python

How do I use sklearn CountVectorizer with both 'word' and 'char' analyzer?…

python machine-learning scikit-learn analyzer text-analysis