Elasticsearch can't update non dynamic settings

Bren picture Bren · Sep 11, 2015 · Viewed 13.1k times · Source

I am trying to create a test analyzer to experiment on analysis on Elastic Search. I have an index created called "mytest" which is available and searchable, but when I try to create a custom analyzer I get below error

"error": "ElasticsearchIllegalArgumentException[Can't update non dynamic settings[[index.analysis.analyzer.content.type, index.analysis.analyzer.content.tokenizer]] for open indices [[mytest]]]",
"status": 400

Now I am not sure on restrictions on updating settings but I could not find anything in documentation. I can create the analyze when creating the index, but update does not work.

Using the source below to create analyzer

PUT mytest/_settings
  "analysis" : {

Any ideas ?


Santhoshle picture Santhoshle · Mar 28, 2016

You can't update the settings of index when the index is in open status. You need to close the index and update the settings and open the index.

Refer : error when trying to update the settings