Top "Amazon-dynamodb" questions

Amazon DynamoDB is a proprietary closed-source cloudnative key-value and document database optimized for horizontal scaling.

Reliability of atomic counters in DynamoDB

I was considering to use Amazon DynamoDB in my application, and I have a question regarding its atomic counters reliability. …

concurrency counter atomic increment amazon-dynamodb
Pagination with DynamoDBMapper Java AWS SDK

From the API docs dynamo db does support pagination for scan and query operations. The catch here is to set …

amazon-web-services pagination amazon-dynamodb aws-java-sdk
Change the schema of a DynamoDB table: what is the best/recommended way?

What is the Amazon-recommended way of changing the schema of a large table in a production DynamoDB? Imagine a hypothetical …

How do you query DynamoDB?

I'm looking at Amazon's DynamoDB as it looks like it takes away all of the hassle of maintaining and scaling …

database nosql amazon-dynamodb
ItemSize in DynamoDB

I'm trying to compute the size of an item in dynamoDB and I'm not able to understand the definition. The …

When does DynamoDB throttle request?

In the answer to "How is Amazon DynamoDB throughput calculated and limited?" it's been suggested, that DynamoDB throttles request whenever …

amazon-web-services metrics amazon-dynamodb
How to pause / resume a aws lambda function

For example I have lambda functions that consume messages from a KinesisStream. How do stop and resume the function so …

amazon-web-services amazon-dynamodb aws-lambda amazon-kinesis
Is there a way to enforce unique constraint on a property (field) other than the primary key in dynamodb

In dynamodb, if you want to enforce uniqueness in a field other than the primary key (like were you have …

unique-constraint amazon-dynamodb
DynamoDB query() versus getItem() for single-item retrieval based on the index

If I'm retrieving a single item from my table based on the indexed hash key, is there a performance difference …

amazon-web-services amazon-dynamodb