Top "Amazon-dynamodb" questions

Amazon DynamoDB is a proprietary closed-source cloudnative key-value and document database optimized for horizontal scaling.

How do I promisify the AWS JavaScript SDK?

I want to use the aws-sdk in JavaScript using promises. Instead of the default callback style: dynamodb.getItem(params, function(…

node.js promise amazon-dynamodb bluebird aws-sdk
Difference between AWS DynamoDB vs. AWS DocumentDB(Newly launched service)?

AWS recently launched new service DocumentDB similar to MongoDB interface. What is the difference between AWS DynamoDB vs. DocumentDB services?

amazon-web-services amazon-dynamodb aws-documentdb-mongoapi
Scan Function in DynamoDB with reserved keyword as FilterExpression NodeJS

My scan function : var tableName = 'faasos_orders', filterExp = 'status = :delivered OR status = :void OR status = :bad', projectionValues = '', expressionAttr = {}; expressionAttr[":…

javascript node.js amazon-web-services amazon-dynamodb
Is it possible to do a conditional put or update in DynamoDB?

Let's say that I am storing records with following structure in DynamoDB: { "id": "57cf5b43-f9ec-4796-9de6-6…

Querying for greatest value of Range key on AWS DynamoDb

What is the DynamoDB equivalent of SELECT MAX(RANGE_KEY) FROM MYTABLE WHERE PRIMARYKEY = "value" The best I can come …

boto amazon-dynamodb
How to use “IN” statement in FilterExpression using array - dynamodb

Checked AWS document but did not find any working example. Here is my attempt var params = { TableName: "User", IndexName:"a-b-index", …

node.js amazon-dynamodb aws-sdk
Invalid type for AWS DynamoDB put-item via CLI (unicode v. dict)

I would like to add an item to my DynamoDB table via command line, but I've run into a type …

amazon-web-services amazon-dynamodb aws-cli
How can I access Amazon DynamoDB via Python?

I'm currently using hbase with my Python apps and wanted to try out Amazon DynamoDB. Is there a way to …

python database nosql amazon-web-services amazon-dynamodb
How to prevent creating a new item in UpdateItem if the item does not exist

I am running an AWS Lambda service written in Node.js that interacts with a DynamoDB database. One of my …

How to query a Dynamo DB having a GSI with only hashKeys using DynamoDBMapper

I am very new to Dynamo DB and may be this is very trivial question, but i went through the …

amazon-dynamodb secondary-indexes