Top "Amazon-dynamodb" questions

Amazon DynamoDB is a proprietary closed-source cloudnative key-value and document database optimized for horizontal scaling.

Is it possible to save datetime to DynamoDB?

I have the next code: users_table = Table(users_table_name, connection=Core.aws_dynamodb_connection) users_table.put_item(…

python datetime amazon-web-services amazon-dynamodb boto
Is there a way to query multiple hash keys in DynamoDB?

Is there a way to query multiple hash keys using a single query in Amazon's AWS SDK for Java? Here's …

java amazon-web-services amazon-dynamodb multivalue
DynamoDB Batch Update

Is there any API in DynamoDB to update a batch of items? There is an API to write new items …

Dynamodb query error - Query key condition not supported

I am trying to query my dynamodb table to get feed_guid and status_id = 1. But it returns Query key …

amazon-web-services bigdata amazon-dynamodb
how to return items in a dynamodb on aws-cli

So, I have a DynamoDB table Users and I want to return all the contents of this table. Or maybe …

amazon-web-services amazon-dynamodb aws-cli
what will happen if we insert into dynamo DB with a duplicate hash key?

I am trying to insert into dynamo DB. When I call the putItem function what will happen if the hash …

hash key amazon-dynamodb
How do we query on a secondary index of dynamodb using boto3?

Is there a way at all to query on the global secondary index of dynamodb using boto3. I dont find …

amazon-web-services amazon-dynamodb boto3
UUIDs for DynamoDB?

Is it possible to get DynamoDB to automatically generate unique IDs when adding new items to a table? I noticed …

amazon-web-services amazon-dynamodb uuid
How to get the row count of a table instantly in DynamoDB?

I'm using boto.dynamodb2, and it seems I can use Table.query_count(). However it had raised an exception when …

python amazon-dynamodb boto
How to have FilterExpression with multiple conditions in dynamodb

I am trying to do table scan on dynamodb Below is the code which is in javascript var params = { TableName: …

amazon-dynamodb boto3