Top "Alias" questions

An alias is an alternative name.

Hibernate-generated column aliases break AliasToBeanResultTransformer when using query

What I am trying to achieve is to set a result transformer on a query defined in the following way: …

java hibernate alias nativequery
VHDL alias syntax "<< ... >>"

I'd like to understand the syntax used in the line of code below where an alternate name is created using …

syntax alias vhdl
Shorter versions of powershell cmdlet parameters

Given my research, I don't believe the following is easily accomplished, if at all. As a last resort, however, I …

powershell parameters alias cmdlet
Is it possible to override git command by git alias?

my ~/.gitconfig is: [alias] commit = "!sh" However, when I type git commit, script is not called. Is it …

git alias
Is it possible to make an alias for a module in Ruby?

In Python, you can set an alias for a module with 'as': import mymodule as mm But I can't seem …

ruby module alias
Is alias_method_chain synonymous with alias_method?

If these two methods are simply synonyms, why do people go to the trouble of writing the additional characters "_chain"?

ruby-on-rails ruby alias
How to install NPM package under alias or different name

How can I npm install a package into a different directory?

npm alias npm-install
Is it possible to alias an enum-class enumerator?

Given a C++11 enum class, nested inside several long- and ugly-named namespaces: namespace long_and_ugly { enum class colour { red, …

c++ c++11 enums alias language-lawyer
Joomla Menu items alias SEO works, but article alias SEO not working

I've got a problem with my Joomla site. The SEO for the menu item can work effectively. So if I …

seo joomla alias sef
Where is my git alias stored?

I have an alias that I cannot find. Typing git help subaddvim gives me: `git subaddvim' is aliased to `log …

git alias