Top "Alias" questions

An alias is an alternative name.

python sqlalchemy label usage

I know I can use the label method for alias, but I can't figure out how to use the labeled …

python sqlalchemy alias
executing shell script without calling sh implicitly

I was wondering if it is possible to make a "link" in usr/bin (i.e.) that leads to a …

shell alias
Ruby (Rails) Delegate attributes to another model's method?

-EDIT- After reading about the Delegate method from the first answer, my question is this, is it possible to delegate …

ruby-on-rails ruby-on-rails-3 alias shortcut
Django Static File Hosting an Apache

I'm trying to move a Django site I have been working on out of the dev server stage and into …

django apache static alias
nhibernate queryover join alias with a where-or clause

I'll just post the code: public IList<Dish> GetByNameDishTypes(IEnumerable<string> names, IEnumerable<string> …

nhibernate join alias queryover
.profile not working from terminal in mac

I had a .profile file that I was reading and using aliases from in my terminal, but at some point …

macos bash terminal alias .profile
How can I delete a git alias?

I'm learning to work with git, and I tried to set some aliases like this: git config --global alias.trololo …

git alias
Renaming namespaces

I've been doing C++ for a long time now but I just faced a question this morning to which I …

c++ namespaces alias
Divide count by count(*) in SQL Server

Here is my query : SELECT COUNT(*) AS total, COUNT(CASE WHEN IS NULL THEN 1 END) AS nb_null, …

sql sql-server count alias divide
How do i invoke sc create from a powershell script

I want to invoke sc create from a powershell script. Here is the code. function Execute-Command { param([string]$Command, [switch]$…

powershell alias sc.exe