Top "Albumart" questions

A picture that represents the cover of an album

How can I display Album Art using MediaStore.Audio.Albums.ALBUM_ART?

I'm trying to build a MP3 player and I want the ImageView to display the album art of respective songs. …

android albumart
How to add album art with ffmpeg?

I've been stuck to add album art on mp3 files. I've already researched and googled this issue but haven't found …

ffmpeg albumart
Get Album Art With Album Name Android

I want to display album art with album name in listview. But i am not getting the way to display …

android android-mediaplayer mediastore android-contentresolver albumart
How do I get Album Thumbnails in Android?

I have a list of albums which I got using this: private List<Album> getAlbums() { Cursor cur = managedQuery(…

android thumbnails albumart
How do you embed album art into an MP3 using Python?

I've been using mutagen for reading and writing MP3 tags, but I want to be able to embed album art …

python mp3 metadata id3 albumart
How to set full screen album art in lock screen?

I am making simple app like any music app and I want album art on lock screen of phone like …

android lockscreen albumart
listing album in android

I am developing a simple audio player in android. I want to list the album's in the device. I tried …

android-mediaplayer mediastore albumart
C# mp3 ID tags with taglib - album art

Im making my own mp3 tagger, and everything is fine so far. Although im stuck reading the album art tag. …

c# taglib id3-tag albumart
Most robust way to fetch album art in Android

Please note that I have already been through similar questions and their answers here and on other websites. I also …

java android albumart
Using Shoutcast, Display Now Playing Album Art

I have a small 70x70 box in an HTML player I built where I wish to place in the album …

javascript shoutcast albumart